Swim Lab

Welcome to our Swim Lab program. Your Swim success starts here! Our program is for developing and improving all levels of swimmers from beginners to elite athlete’s. We have developed a system that holds over 150 Drills. The drills are graded onto a ladder system where the swimmer will be positioned. If you are a beginner you will start at drill #1 or if you are an elite athlete you might be starting at drill #50. Each and every swimmer will be evaluated for his/her ability by our Swim Ireland accredited swim teacher or coach and placed on the ladder. For communication between coach and swimmer we use a platform called Training Peaks. This is available in app and also desktop. Access to lessons and drills are available 24/7 around the world and can be modified in realtime should the need arise.
Swim Lab TP Image

Training Peaks online software

Each of the drills has a detailed description under the headings, Purpose, Procedure, Focus Points and Tips to assist in it execution.
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Details contained within each drill

Also attached to each to each description is an image to help visualise the goal of the drill. To ensure that the drills are being executed correctly and form is improving our swim teacher or coach will spend 45 minutes one to one time with you in the pool per month minimum. Extra sessions are available and can be costed accordingly. Please contact us to get on the ladder to your swim success. Our Swim Teachers & Coaches are more than happy to take you calls or answer you emails. Email: theathleteclinic@gmail.com Call or Whats App: +353 (0) 87 2453114 Team Athlete Clinic